I discovered the Whoop through a friend and ordered it from Canada. Its a fitness tracker which give me data on my real time health. I learn about by heart rate, exercise habit, sleep level, body strain and recovery rate.
The program allows me to understand how by body reacts to my daily activities. If I run for a minimum of 15 minutes, it is enough to fill my daily ideal strain level. Weight lifting results to a lower strain since it's a strength activity. An hour and a half of kite boarding results similar to a 15 minute run strain, however since I kite board for a longer period of 4-5 hours throughout the day, my overall strain is higher.
When I started using the Whoop, my recovery data scored very high, around 70-80%. Then after 2 weeks, my recovery started dipping to around 50%. I got worried at first, but I realise that 50% is a number that I can be comfortable with since it's an average value. Recovery is tied to sleep and the better I sleep the better I recover. The Whoop tells me that if I read before sleeping, I get a better recovery response than average and if I use a device before sleeping, I get a worse recovery than average.